One can’t win a game without knowing the rules of the game. The sacred knowledge is available to those who are ready to see and hear. I invite you to discover the resources that will equip with extraordinary optics for life.

P.S. Just start. You won’t regret it.


Dr. Brian L. Weiss
“Many lives, many masters”

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
“The Energy of Consciousness” 2012

Dr. Michael Newton
“Journey of the souls”

Dr. Joe Dispenza
“You are the placebo.”
“Becoming supernatural”

Joy Manne
“Family Constellations” PhD

Dolores Cannon
“The search for hidden sacred knowledge”
“Conversations with Nostradamus”
“Between death and life.”
“The custodians”
“Jesus and Essenes”
“The keepers of the garden.”
“The three waves of volunteers”

Don Miguel Ruiz
“The four agreements”

Bruce H. Lipton PhD
“The biology of belief”
“The wisdom of your cells”

Brad Steiger
“You will live again”
“Returning from the light”

Vianna Stibal
“ThetaHealing: You and the Creator”

Martin Ebon
“Prophecy in our time”

Colin Tippin
“Radical Forgiveness”

Richard Schwartz
“Internal Family Systems”

Peter A. Levine
“Healing Trauma”

John Keho
“Mind Power”

Byron Katie
“Loving what is”

Vadim Zeland
“The reality transurfing”

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Gary Zukav
“The seat of the soul”
“Spiritual partnership”

Dr. Daniel Amen
“The end of mental illness”

William Braud, PhD
“Distant mental influence”

L.L. Vasiliev
“Experiments in mental suggestions”

Ian Stevenson
“Cases of the Reincarnation Type”

Essay Duke University ESP and Parapsychology Data Netflix documentary “Life after death.” Netflix documentary “ Surviving Death”

Heartmath (Intuition studies)